INFINOXhas become a major player in the Forex and CFD trading industry, earningrespect and recognition for its unwavering commitment to traders. As one of theonline trading industry pioneers, INFINOX started with a clear mission: tosupport and empower traders in every possible way. This dedication is seen in every aspect of theiroperations and has driven their success over the past fifteen years. INFINOXhas always put traders’ needs first, delivering exceptional service and stayingtrue to their core values.
Wehad the pleasure to sit down with Jay Mawji, INFINOX Chief Executive Officerand one of the key personalities who helped define the company’s mission.Taking a step back from the day-to-day, he candidly reflects on the financialfirm’s beginnings and its growth.
You have beenat the helm of INFINOX for 13 years. How would you describe your company’sjourney so far?
It has been an incredible experience. We started ourjourney as a true startup, with almost less than nothing. To be here, 15+ yearslater as one of the leading industry brands is incredibly rewarding andhumbling. This isn’t an ‘easy’ business to be in; we had to outwork andoutcompete at every stage, often with one hand behind our backs, withoutsignificant funding and investment in the early years.
INFINOX hascome a long way since its establishment in 2009. What is the biggest challengethat INFINOX has overcome, and how did you contribute?
It’s not for me to assume what my contribution hasbeen to INFINOX; that’s for my colleagues and our clients to determine. I wouldlike to think that I have had a positive cultural influence on the company overthe years. I believe that culture is central to our values of integrity, ambition, inspiration andexcellence, which have had a definingimpact on our success (and lessons learned!)
INFINOX takespride in “putting the power of trading” in traders’ hands. Could you pleaseexpand on that?
Everything we do is focused on our Partnersand clients. By making them the most important consideration in our business,we have created a cohesive system where governance,process, product and servicematch. This goes beyond ‘tools’ to trade, it’s about creating the wholeecosystem for our clients, across the entire organisation and every department.
Many brokerspresent themselves as “multi-asset” brokers, how is INFINOX different, from atechnological perspective and a liquidity perspective?
I can’t say that we are “different”; many brokersultimately have the same product and offering. This is one of the beauties ofour industry; it’s clear for clients to understand the product and offering andthere is a common playing field which promotes competition in the market and abetter-value product for clients. However, we do what we do the INFINOX way.This means that we take what appears to be ‘standard for the industry’ andbuild layers of benefits below it. Ultimately, it means we have a strongeroffering that’s customisable for clients and is based on robust technology.Clients can use as much of our advantage or as little as they like.
What does IXSocial bring to the social trading space?
IX Social has been revolutionary for us. We were one of theearly adopters of social trading and our strategy paid off. We have beendeveloping the product in each cycle. As a core product, it gives clients theoption to put together a trading strategy from multiple signals and providers.Incorporated are advanced risk management tools, low fees and a user experiencefocused on the end-client. Social trading is an incredibly competitive space,and the client uptake has been phenomenal.
What would yousingle out as INFINOX’s greatest achievement so far?
Our greatest achievement is, without a doubt, beingINFINOX. We set out with our vision and that has been refined over time; but wedid what we do best – delivering value to our clients. At times, that has beena challenge but we stuck to our vision and our ways.
How did INFINOXmanage to stay ahead of the curve and remain compliant?
Governance. Everything we do stems from governance; itis the core principle of our business. Navigating the regulatory framework fromthis starting position has been essential to ensure that we remain compliant.We have always made sure that our target market and clients have been alignedwith the correct regulatory environment. Perhaps our KPIs would’ve been higherif we had ‘forced’ our regulatory approach; but that wouldn’t have been withinour governance principles and our client-first approach.
What cantraders expect from INFINOX in the near future? And partners?
Without tempting fate, 2024 has been a good year to us(so far). Our client-facing side of the business has been focused on deliveringto the highest standard of service, and in the background we have been workingon multiple projects to be released through the year. Our commercial teams havedelivered some fantastic products, including pricing, liquidity, and Partnerofferings. Being an Official Sponsor of the Alpine F1 Team has brought anotherdimension to our relationships and brand. Our clients and Partners can alwaysexpect the INFINOX standards. Better every day.
Living up to its mission of being ‘better every day’,INFINOX stands out as a leader in the online trading industry. As they keepinnovating and expanding, INFINOX remains focused on meeting the varied needsof traders everywhere.
To find out more about INFINOX and its offerings, visit thewebsite.